Monday, August 23, 2010

STAR Test Results :)

So my friend told me that The STAR Test Results are back!!! :) :p

Enlgish-Language Arts 407/600
Algebra 1 437/600
History-Social Science 378/600
Science 527/600

YAYYY!!!!!!!!!! :DDD 3 Advanced 1 proficient :) yayyy ^-^ :P THANKS MRS. ANDREWS MR. HAYES MS. KENNEDY AND MR TAYLOR!!!!! :D You guys are such great teachers!!! ^-^ i miss you :D :P

Monday, August 16, 2010


... So I'm helping my friends with their homework... I don't understand how they don't get it!!! We all had Algebra last year... They had Mrs. Wiggin and I know she's an aweosme teacher but idk why they still don't get this stuff D; GAH lol :)

My Birthdays in two days!!! :DDD I'm so excited! Jon and Lynne (neighbors) Tina Rick and K.C. (my best friend, her ughish dad and her stepmonster) Beth (my mom's amazing co-worker) and me and my parents are to going to MIKUNI'S!!!!!!! :D If you don't know, Mikuni's is an amzing sushi restaraunt :)Sushi is so so wonderful... :) yayay My friends are all bringing me soda on my birthday. :DDD YAY! :D and my boyfriend doesn't like sushi :) So him and his little brother and his mom tok me to Red Lobster... :) It was really great!!! :D They got me a birthday present too :) I got a little notebook with bible verses in it, a new pen :) body lotion and body spray that smells amazing... like apples! ;D and new earbuds for my ipod!!! :D WOOH!!! and of course a sweet little card :) We shared one big chocolate fudgy ice creamy thing and it was yuuummy :) After we, went to walmart for a while... they needed hosuehold stuff :D ah ha Devin and I just kinda bumped around in the elctronics and car section until his mom called us it was really really fun ;D

ha :) This weekend I'm going to something called Relay for Life. Its going to be held at the auburn fairground. Its an awarness marathon for Breast Cancer... Its going 24 hours (all night) to symbolize that Cancer never sleeps. K.C.'s grandma is a breast cancer survivor and does this marathon every single year :) If either of you guys wanna come walk a lap or two Doris ( K.C.'s grandma would really appreciate it! :) It starts 8 Saturday morn and ends around 10 or 11 Sunday you can come any time :) call me if you want directions :) (916) 759-5033 haha or just text me when your bored :DDD

yayayayy i lov e you for taking the t ime to read!!! :D :)

hey whens the last time you heard Take opn Me by A-Ha??? My new favorite song!!! :DDD
Right now im in journalism... probly should be messing around but i have nothing else to do... :) haha ;D... i am looking forward to today :)
Look at my horsey!!! ;DDD he's soooo pretty!!!! :) His name is Snip and he is 22 years old, old for a horse... :) haha :D i've had h im almost a year haha :) i need this picture online so i could set it as my desktop... well its complication lol ;D sstupid macs >:D

Thursday, August 5, 2010

High School!!! :D

Howdy my friends! Sorry to not have come around for a while!!! D: Busy Busy Busy weeks! :D Just started high school at CENTER HIGH SCHOOL!!! WOOOOH! lol they have an AMAZING amoun of school spirit... :) its weird ^-^ but iiii liek it :D haha only 1 out of the 3 of my followers might possibly know who these teachers are:

0 period Journalism

1st Geometry (thanks Mrs A!!!) Mrs. Schroyer

2nd PE Hab (thanks to no one lol)

Mr. Leino Advocacy on Mondays

3rd Biology with Mr White :D

4th Mrs. White Computer Apps Typing correcty is hard!!! D;

Lunch WOOH! :D no seating... >;l

5th Ms. McCassland Allain Honors English (thanks Mr. Taylor btw dont read my blog >:l)

6th Tree BAND WOOOH! :D

then i walk home ^-^ school has started out great!!!

Journalism isnt turning out as great as i wanted it to... yet!!! im hoping it will get better!!! :D Theres only me and another freshmen who i dont like very much ;( and the rest is mostly Juniors andSeniors... :) i cant write very well for newspaper i guess... >:l everyone else has 3 or 4 or 5 or 8 stories and i only have one that i can barely write by myself... ;( i just feel kinda looked down on ;( hopefully though, i'll improve my writing skills in english this year... :) thats my goal ^-^ :D

:D im one out of the 5 or 6 freshmen in my geometry class :) i feel special! :D and im a little irked about something :p Mrs. Andrews you know how you always wanted us to kinda get the hang of solving problems like 2x+4=18 without having to show -4 on both sides and little steps like that? haha Mrs. Schroyer has us do that :) kinda funny ^-^ her and the other geometry teacher decided to give hw on the first day >:l

I got lockers next to almost all my friend in PE :D haha we're in the showers ^-^ :) looking forward to dressing out tomorrow :D ahah ^-^ and of course Mr. Hab (who was wearing a white shirt!!!) started of our student teacher relationship with a joke about my hair... ugh! long story: I had been really polite to Mrs. Weaver (another PE teacher) and so i guess she was telling mr hab because they were talking and pointing to me and my group of friends :D so of course, i start laughing :) so he walks over, im cracking up and he looks at me and says "hey! why is your face turning the same color as your hair?" :O :D Sarah gives me something awesome to say back buuut i dont want him to take it the wrong way :P he says we really like you but we dont know why and my friend sarah shouts ITS JUST CUZ SHES SOCIAL AND AWESOME! :d lol thanks sarah!!! ^-^ haha :D :) but as i was walking out of the gym i said "hey Mr. Hab why is YOUR hair the same color as your shirt!" haha he didnt take it the wrong way... he laughed... :) its gonna be a god year :)

Advocacy, you just sit and talk >:l now i know why they cut it out at Riles... boring!!! haha we have like a 10 minutes passing period between 2nd and 3rd so it extra boooring :)

Biology is going to be suuuper fun! i have Crystal and Josh, two of a few of my best buds! :D :) we get to disect pig fetuses in the spring! :D SO COOL!!! :D haha ^-^ and not that i dont like mr hayes, cuz i really do! i just like disliking him... if that makes sense :)... haha but his class is RIGHT next to my biology class and he walks by our room to get to the teachers lounge... what does he need in the teachers lounge at10:30 anyways??????? :O haha annndddd i have to walk by his room to get to PE sooo... yeah :)

i have a nice teacher for Computer Apps... she reminds me of the good parts of m y grandma... :) haha typing correctly is so so hard D: NO CARPEL TUNNEL!!! D:

My friends and i just sit on the ground for lunch... :) somewhere shady with grass usually ^-^ hahaha :D the lunch line is a MOB!!! so i just bring lunch :) im so happy my mom got me goodies from the gas station for lunch tomorrowe :D :) LOVE YOU!!! :D

Mrs. Mccasland is DEFINETELY one of my best Enlgish teachers! :D well... i've had awesome one... but im just doing awesome stuff with her this year! :D and shes super nice ^-^ and doesnt yell... :D :o This year we're gonna read "To Kill a Mocking Bird", "Romio and Juliet", "The Odessy", and before the end of the week i think we're starting "Of Mice and Men" :)n im sure we're reading more but i dont know them yet... :)

Band is awesome, JUST like it should be :) so so glad to have Dr. Tree as my director again! :D have Josh Sarah Yuliana James and a whole bunch of awesome people in the band this year!!! :D :) :P haha but we only have like... less than 20 people ha :D...

Weeeelllllllll i'll try my best to keep up on my blog :) i'll let you know whats goin down... ^-^ <3

thank you my loyal followers!!! ;D I love you!!! :D

Samantha!!! :D