Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hihihihihi :) i am sitting in my living room with a buddi :) Crystal!!! XD I am still collecting money for HartSong Ranch... eh. Only two people actually read my blog... :( sadface... ANYWAY thank you to those two people... SPREAD THE WORD OF HARTSONG!!! :D

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

... eh!!! i just dont feel like doing anything... i feel bad i was going to go out fundraising for a very good cause. Infact, if any of you could donate just a little it would be great!!!

HartSong Ranch boards large, disabled animals. Some are blind, some have mental problems. But HartSong is their home! On Saturday I will be participating in a trail ride with my horse Snip to raise money for HartSong. If anyone would like to help, you can donate like 50cents or any amout per mile I ride.

If you have any change sitting in you rpocket or lying around your house, now would be a helpful time to use it! :) To learn a little bit more visit their website:

Thanks, the animal's will apprectiate it!!! :D

Monday, April 5, 2010

heyhey people :) this morning, i went to Monday morning prayer then to breakfast with the group. :) we went to Perko's!!! :D like the best family diner there is. :) My mom is at work and my dad is home, in the living room, relaxing... I just finished the dishes and started the laundry and soon I'll go to K.C.'s house for a while... i feel like an idiot when i talk to her parents because i called the house at like 12 midnight and woke everyone up and ahhhhhhhhh its just bad... but its okay because i don't care :(

Sunday, April 4, 2010

blah blah?

muahahaha :P ... i wonder how many people are going to read this... i do have a lot of interesting stuff goin on XD :P hahaha the rain is so loud right now :P :) i like typing on this keyboard... thats half the reason i got a blog. maybe i will actually go and type everyday on this blog...

you know, at first,i didnt like the song imma be because i didnt understand the purpose of it...
:( :) :P hahaha but i think i like it now XD :P

and this is my post,in a dif language XD hahaha just kidding. this is my post in web dings :) :P Thanks for reaading!!! XD

muahahaha :P ... i wonder how many people are going to read this... i do have a lot of interesting stuff going on. the rain is so loud right now... i like typing on this keyboard, its half he reason i got a blog

you know, at first, i didnt like the song imma be because i didnt unsderstans the purpose of it. :( :) but i htink i like it now :) Thanks for reading!!! XD :P

bwahbwahbwah abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz :P XD hahahaha XD I LIKE YOU :D :P
:) heyhey! :D :) if your here, thanks! :D that means you must be a buddy of mine... im not quite sure what kinda stuff ima gonna be putting on this blog.... but i think it will help me keep track of my life and it will be a memory forever posted in cyberspace :) haha that was kinda corny :)

Anyway, thanks! :D